Moravian Manor ... A Ministry of Caring For 36 years, Moravian Manor has been dedicated to the care of seniors providing a wide range of health care services and living options that support and enrich the journey of aging. Today, nearly 300 people call Moravian Manor home. The majority of residents reside in Personal Care, the Health Center, and the Herrnhut Community, which is for residents with memory-related illness. The Health Center can accommodate 127 residents where knowledgeable, dedicated, and compassionate employees provide skilled care, rehabilitative care, and hospice care. Thirty-five percent of residents in the Health Center cannot pay for their medical services and rely on financial support to cover their costs. Approximately 60 people reside in Personal Care, where residents who can no longer live on their own receive the supportive care and services they need. Currently 15 percent of residents in Personal Care cannot afford the cost and rely on Moravian Manor for full financial support. Providing charitable service to those in need is a long-established tradition at Moravian Manor. Since opening in 1975, we have been providing health care services to residents who cannot pay the full cost of their care. In 2011, Moravian Manor provided health care totaling more than $1 million for which it was not reimbursed by residents, Medicare, or Medicaid. Over the past five years, uncompensated care for residents exceeded $5.6 million! Contributions from trustees, residents, families, staff, and friends of Moravian Manor are vital in helping us to provide high quality health care services to all residents. Each gift we receive, regardless of size, makes a difference and is deeply appreciated. To discuss, without obligation, ways to help or to request additional literature, please call or write: Diane H. Ford, CFRE